I can see clearly now

Mar 24, 2012 13:03

I have reading glasses.

I made an appointment with the eye doctor when my darling husband bought me Seanan McGuire's Discount Armageddon, which I was physically unable to read because the print was too small for me to read.  I couldn't move the book away far enough for the words to focus.  (I read it with a magnifying glass.)

My far sight is fine, but yeah, I'm near-sighted.  The doctor also took pictures of the insides of my eyes, looking for diabetic complications, which are thankfully not present at this time.  I do have some wiggly arteries in my right eye she says are caused by high blood pressure, which I currently do not have.  But the damage may have been caused by when I had preeclampsia in my first pregnancy.

I cried when I read last night, because it wasn't a struggle any more.  I hadn't realized how much strain and guesswork went into parsing words on the page until I could just do it with the glasses.

me, health

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