It's amazing to think I got Lance on a whim from a pet store. My brother took me by the place as it was closing one night to show me an akita puppy he was eying. Then I saw a little buff colored ball of fur peering back at me. I knocked on the door and asked the clerk, yup, "how much is that doggy in the window?" She let me in and a family rushed in behind us. Turns out they had their eye on the same pom. My brother warned me if I didn't get the puppy, that family would. So I did. I bought him and all the paraphenelia and took him home. Then I panicked; I suddenly was responsible caring for another living creature. What on earth was I thinking?
Lance was an independent minded alpha puppy. At first he was a problem child and a rebellious teenager with sassing and even temper tantrums. But those were the days when the alpha/submissive training philosophy was supreme and Lance finally understood mommy was the The Man and everything was cool. Then he became the sweetest, most well behaved dog anybody would ever meet. He even taught himself not to chew up anything on the floor after he gnawed through a lamp cord and most have gotten the shock of his little life. People who swore they disliked dogs, loved Lance.
He was the typical energetic, hyper, curious, happy pomeranian. He was extroverted and loved people. He would snub other dogs to get to their humans. He made it his mission to get people to pet him. This was serious business to him. He loved kisses and cuddles and nice tummy rubs. He loved treats, especially his Cheese Whiz. Toys didn't interest him. He disliked storms and detested fireworks. Back when I frequented IRC, I created an online persona for him out of boredom which wasn't too far from his real personality (except for the genius talking dog part). When he was younger, he would lie on a chair next to me when I was on the computer and happily wag his tail. His persona took on such a life of its own that people requested I bring him to Chicago TARDIS which I did. He was about 10 years old and didn't look or act like it. He was a big hit there and had a ball. At home, he was Mr. Congeniality. My dog sitter would take him everywhere, even to parties. People I didn't even know would greet Lance by name. He had a bigger social life than I did. He was going strong through age 14.
It wasn't until Lance was almost 16 that he noticeably slowed down. His enlarged heart and coughing worsening; the arthritis finally kicked in. As I've blogged, things looked desparate in September but last ditch meds really turned things around. He was a new dog, bouncing, alert and happy. Last week, the amazing effects had diminishing returns. He took a bad spill off a curb. On top of his near deafness, I realized this week he was going blind and his eyes were oozing. Yesterday, walking became for him more of a scary pulling thing instead of a happy adventure. It was worse today. I had to accept his body was finding different ways to wind down. I took him to the vet for his eyes but we both agreed this was the final decline. I opted not to prolong things. I held him as he went peacefully. It was the hardest thing I've ever ever done.
So, to Lance, thank you for the almost 17 years of joy you brought me. You were my first dog and the best I could ever have wished for. You will always be my baby.