Christmas: day 3

Dec 26, 2009 13:28

Spent yesterday at friends' who invite 20 people for a fancy sit down prime rib dinner.  Due to the bizarre train schedule I arrived early enough to be sous chef.  It was a good time to chat and drink while finishing preparations.  I learned how to do some stuff super fast, like fruit molds, mushroom gravy, and spinach lasagna.  The house was beautifully Christmasy and a fire roared in the fireplace.  Presents filled the entire foyer, I kid you not.  Because of sick Patty and trains, I got to open mine first: 2 gorgeous tops in my new size and a giant nautical Mickey Mouse.  LOL, yeah, they really know me.  Then we opened the door to leave for the station and it was a winter wonderland!  Absolutely gorgeous.  I couldn't have been happier.  Well, except for not finding a taxi home between Union Station and Michigan Avenue but I finally flagged one down.  I was properly bundled, getting some exercise and enjoying the snow.  It was all good.

ETA: 3-5 inches of snow is forecast. How could it possible get better than this?

Today I'm heading to the niece's to see the great-kiddies.  Turns out one of the presents (dolls) didn't arrive so there will be an emergency trip to Toys R Us.  I wanna play with the dolls damnit.  It's snowing beautifully and xmas music is blaring on the iPod.  Lance is awake cleaning his paws and Patty's diarrhea appears over (tho she's still getting penned in the bathroom when I leave, just in case).

Finally saw DT in Catherine Tate's, Nan's Carol.  He is hysterical as the scottish Russel Brand-ish ghost of Christmas Present.  Might I say, it was also a good look?  ROTFLMAO!  Oh, and Hamlet is broadcast today.  Can't wait to see how they translated it to the small screen.  And I'm soooo behind, there are his Cbeebie bedtime stories, QI, and today's radio subbing with Catherine Tate for Jonathon Ross.  When he said he was going to be in everything, he wasn't lying.  It a solid 20 appearances not counting repeats since mid-November.   David, hon, are we coming to an end cuz you're wearing me out.


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