Day after the day after

Dec 27, 2007 12:31

So Maggie and I got together and saw I Am Legend.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; sheeesh I have no idea why they released this movie at Christmas time. And the dog, THE DOG!!  *sniff*.  It was a tour de force for Will Smith who delivered an understated but powerful performance. And the german shepherd was awesome.  We dined at Heaven on Seven (nawlins cookin') and had cake and raspberry cocoa spiked with brandy later. Mmmm.

Tomorrow I fly to Mayberry to visit trinalin, elsaf will drive down.  Checking my weather report, the forecast is 5-7 inches of snow tomorrow!  Eeeek!  On the day I leave!  How dare it snow when I'm leaving town.  (And I really hope it starts AFTER 11AM.  Really don't want to get stranded at O'Hare).

Today, I shall chill, do some laundry, pack and play WoW.  Life is good.


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