Daytona Beach: Day 2

Jul 14, 2007 08:31

I am the second one up. It's a miracle folks. The sky is blue, looks like another Florida day. To catch up:

The eve I got here, Chris and Jen ditched the kids and we went to an open place on a pier and under a bridge called Deck Down Under. It was quite lovely listening to the waves slapping against the pier. Naturally it was all about seafood and I had a fried platter of everything. Very bad for me but very fresh and good. Then I went uber geeking as I mentioned before much to my joy and their amusement. My flight was late and I was a bit rest broken so I hit the sack.

Yesterday was got a better look at what Jen calls her "hut" on the beach. It's a three bedroom corner condo right on the beach with a view from every window. Looking east is the ocean. To the west is the intercoastal with bridges that attach this isle to the mainland Florida. SIxty-five miles away is St. Augustine It's been less than 90F and 90% humidity so Jen says it's been rather pleasant.  In yankee-speak, it's bearable when the wind blows which has been most of the t ime.  The ocean is about 80F, very warm indeed.  People drive their cars onto the sand and camp out.  At the height of the day, you can see the ocean and umbrellas for miles.  Apparently everyday there are storms that do their thing from 15 minutes to an hour and then leave.  We saw one roll by offshore.  The Floridians take their storms very very seriously so when the lightning storms flash, police come to ge the people out of the water.  At night, the lightning waaay out is quite a spectacle.

Anyway, yesterday was dedicated to beaching and pooling to the fullest.  I was under an umbrella, slathered with sunscreen and still managed to get a sunburned back.  The adults roasted tanned, the kids were impervious, and I braved a swimsuit and  made periodic trips to sit on the ocean's edge like a little beached whale and enjoy the water without drowning.  Then a storm rolled by and we had to vacate the beach.  Exhausted from all that activity, we headed to a fantastic asian buffet where I had sushi and cracked crab legs until stuffed.  Afterwards Jen and I looked in some tourist traps shops.  Jen had trouble with the little one so the rest of us rested in the pool that night.  I'm tellin' ya, life was hard.

Right now I don't think I will be in any water since my friend has arrived (quaint enough?) and my back is having words with me.  When the dead rise, the plan is to go with Jen's parents' on their boat somewhere.  I didn't catch where.  Did I mention I didn't bring my laptop?  Livejournal and Meebo keep away withdrawal but things are still dicey.   I am truly a geek.

vacation, daytona beach

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