Aug 29, 2010 02:27

Player Information ;
Your Nickname: vic
OOC Journal: mechaphilia
Under 18? nein
Email/IM: vicious hallway @ AIM
Characters Played at Singularity: Prism/Grid/Legion

Character Information ;
Name: Pyramid Head
Name of Canon: Silent Hill series
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: Canon
Canon Point: Post-Homecoming
Silent Hill is just another quiet resort town, likely somewhere on the East coast of the US, with gorgeous scenery and a dark secret. If you've ever read a Stephen King novel set in a sleepy Maine town, that's the sort of place Silent Hill is. The town itself can trace its history back centuries to ancient rites performed by the native peoples, all the way up to the current cult prescence in the area. It's a dark place, lorded over by pagan blood gods and goddesses, where reality bends to the will of the subconscious.

The town itself varies wildly depending on who goes there. It seems as though innocents, such as Laura in Silent Hill 2, see the town as perfectly normal. Others see it depending on the particular brand of darkness in their hearts; Angela saw it as constantly burning, Eddie saw it as a frozen meat locker, and James saw it as... well, no spoilers. Pyramid Head only makes his appearance in the dark Otherworld, a place where the towns influence is strongest on those it has trapped. He is part of the local mythology, a sort of punisher who appears to those who the town (or even the individual in question) has deemed guilty. Executioners of the cult would don red hoods over their ceremonial robes, either taking inspiration from Pyramid Head or inspiring his form, which nods to his particular role within the canon.

An entity born of the will of the town, Pyramid Head's personality is a stunted, warped thing mostly lost beneath his purpose. He is driven to seek out and punish those judged as guilty, either by the town or by themselves, and to carry out the appropriate punishment. This may manifest in either straightforward violence, as with the execution of Alex's father in Homecoming, or the more sexual nature of his assaults in Silent Hill 2 toward the feminine monsters of James' subconscious. His exact role is determined by what the town, and the subconscious of whoever is currently influencing it, wills--something which may account for his differing garb and weapon in his various appearances with different characters.

He does not pause to question his role, carrying out his tasks with the frightening directness of something which feels no compassion or mercy. He is, quite basically, a monster. He exists only to obey his creators and their will, and everything else is simply inconsequential. Pyramid Head is mostly a threat to those who are overwhelmed by guilt or feel an intense need for punishment, although he will lash out at anyone who catches his attention, but innocents who are otherwise not affected by the same darkness that drags others into the Otherworld slip entirely past his radar and are, more or less, safe from him.

Basically he's a terrible thing created to carry out horrible punishments on those who are unfortunate enough to catch his notice, with no concept of right and wrong beyond what has been established by the cult and their gods. Violent and singleminded, he's used to a lack of autonomy created by the town speaking to him--he has had no reason to ever think or do anything beyond the purpose he was created for.

Abilities and Weaknesses:
In the games, Pyramid Head is portrayed as an unstoppable force, able to soak up damage without hesitation or any indication of pain, and is essentially unkillable if not invincible. This will change in Singularity.

Much like a zombie, decapitation or destruction of the head/brain, or sufficient dismemberment, will kill Pyramid Head, and damage inflicted on his body will actually show up as... real damage. Rather than be invincible as he was before, he will heal at an unnatural rate if he is not outright killed (something like twice the normal speed, not an insta-heal).

Aside from that, Pyramid Head is quite strong and has a relationship to pain that makes it anything but an issue for him.

For weaknesses, it must be said that he's rather slow. The weight of his helm and the great knife drags him down, making him a methodical, lumbering adversary most of the time, with only a few short bursts of speed. Additionally, while his head is fairly well-protected by the helm, the rest of his body is completely unarmored and he makes no attempt to defend himself from any wounds. Things such as protective wards and similar things will slow him down or turn him away due to the strong magic/mythos influence in the Silent Hill world.

• 1x ceremonial garb (MEAT APRON)
• 1x metal helm (RED TRIANGLE THING)
• 1x great knife (PHALLIC MURDER SYMBOL)

Pyramid Head is a large, imposing figure. Somewhere around 7 ft tall and strongly built, the actual flesh portion of his body is sickly pale and twisted--old scars and half-healed wounds cover his body, with deformed hands and the metal of his helm partially bolted directly into the meat and bone of his neck and shoulders.

His clothing consists of a butchers apron, either covering his chest or simply hanging from his waist, splattered with blood and made of a heavy material that bears an uncomfortable resemblance to leather or skin. The most noticable part of his outfit, though, would have to be the helmet. A huge, ruddy metal contraption caked in rust and gore, all sharp angles and thick steel. It rests on a collar of metal bolted directly into his shoulders, his head and neck completely obscured from sight, although occasionally a thick black, tentacle-like tongue may be seen poking out through the holes.

Age: Unknown. He's been around in the mythology for several hundred years.

OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?
If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test?
And What Did You Score?

Samples ;
Log Sample:
Something was wrong. This place was wrong.

Since being set loose he's been wandering, great knife dragging behind him, with a sense of aimlessness he is unfamiliar with. There's no hum in his head, no quiet murmur directing him toward his next task, no subconscious purr giving him orders to move, to hurt, to kill. He is without guidance, and on a deep, instinctive level, he recognizes that something is not right.

This place is too bright. Too many crisp lines. Bright colors. Well-lit and open. There's no tang of blood and rust in the air, no distant shrieks of twisted horrors, no mesh floors or walls papered in meat.

He's not in the otherworld. Where is he? What's going on?

It takes a while for him to begin thinking properly, shaking the rust off the cogs of his mind, and a little longer for the cogs to start turning. He doesn't think much. Never has to. There's always that slow push from the unseen forces behind his creation, the hands moving his puppet strings. Now he's on his own. He's never called upon unless there's some task to be fulfilled, a guilty party to be hunted down and a sentence to be passed on them. Is there something to be done here, in this place that is so clearly not his town? Their town? He can only assume there must be. Why else would he be here?

He is here because they will it. Because there is someone he must find. Someone he must hurt. Judgment to be passed.

It is with this in mind that he turns down a side street and picks up his pace, allowing these thoughts to leave him. He will wander until he catches scent of the darkness he is here to hunt, and then he will know what he must do. It is how it always is. It will be the same here.

It must be.

Network Sample:
[ The feed activates to a deformed hand pulling away from camera--the fingers are twisted and fused, covered in either seemingly melted skin or some sort of filthy glove, attached to a huge and equally filthy arm. The angle is awkward, but there's a sense of enormity from whatever creature is in the video, particularly from the large contraption that sits on it's shoulders. The creature (man?) seems to be prying at the bracelet itself, tugging purposefully on the metal--

then it gives up, as though it's run of out of attention span, and bends down to pick something large and metallic off the ground. When it starts to walk, there's a loud shrieking noise of metal being dragged along the ground. There's even more of an impression of something huge, and a flash of a flesh-tone garment and more weird pale skin, then eventually the video times out. ]
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