Stats and permissions

Feb 21, 2010 02:44

Age: Very fucking old. Older than Raph and Mika. Probably at least 7000.

Height: Tall! I'd put him at about 6 and a half feet or so. At least.

Weight: ...idk. A healthy weight for someone so tall.

Medical Info: IS AN ANGEL. With issues. He severed his own vocal chords, and therefore either talks via magical angel telepathy or a device he has that recreates his voice. And he has a scar on his neck. Other than that he's healthy, I guess.

Eyes: A gentle, natural green. LIKE SUNLIGHT THROUGH THE TREES. Thank you, canon

Hair: Dark brown

Physical traits: Very tall. Long, dark, wavy hair that usually covers his right eye. Tends to wear lots of black. And long coats/cloaks. Kind of goth, really. His wings, when they're out, look black, but they're really a very dark brown.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Uh. Anything? I can probably roll with it.

Abilities: He's the elemental angel of Earth! So he has control over earthy things and can grow plants and what not. Also he can cause massive earthquakes. Oh, and he has a scythe and he knows how to use it. (I might come back to this and be more detailed later)

Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Powerful archangel! Kind of emo and full of guilt issues. (I'll probably try to come back to this too)

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Talk to me/talk to me/okay/okay

Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Yes 8)

Maim/Murder/Death: ...You can try?

Cooking: Doll does the cooking. ):
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