Feb 25, 2009 15:06
I'm sitting at work right now absolutely furious, resenting the world. This is the second week in a row that I had to work 7 days. I don't mind making crazy amounts of money, but I do mind not having any free time to do ANYTHING!! I recently got a xbox 360, so that's been keeping me pretty entertained, and I picked up some weed and have been smoking to unwind after work. It's a good thing :-)
So, I think I've figured out women! They just absolutely CANNOT be trusted! No matter how hard I work at a relationship and how much benevolence I create, they always seem to bail on me. "I wanna get married and have kids, I want to go back to school, I wanna move into my own place..." That's all well and good. Let me set that up for you so I can support you all the way if you need it. Let me completely turn my life inside out so you can have what you want!, then just when it's all set up, they fucking bail. whoo....
I'm so done with relationships. I used to wonder why the majority of guys acted the way they do, now I completely understand. Relationships are fuckin STUPID. They cost money and time, they drain you mentally, physically and financially and just when you think you've made it one step ahead, your significant other will stick a knife into your spine. I'm just gonna go on a fucking spree, put a couple notches in my belt. That way, the next time a woman tells me that they met someone else or they want to break up, instead of saying "why", i can just simply say "fuck you too".