1:32am, Sunday morning (Saturday night?)

Apr 22, 2007 01:23

It's been...busy. Everyone I know seems swamped. I guess it's that time of the year.

It's nearly 2am on a weekend and I'm unable to sleep. There're a lot of things on my slate for the next week, including the trial of a man I'm not sure should even be on trial (but I suppose that's what the jury's for now, isn't it?) Catching up on that particular case, however, has been time-consuming.

Katie and Nick Potter went to a baseball game together the other day...Dan's in a snit about it. I'm not sure why. Potter's a nice guy...personally, I think Katie could use someone stable and not like the fickle college kids she's been hanging around.

She adamantly swore that they're just friends, but still.

Dammit. What is it about trials that gets me all jumpy? I'm a judge, for god's sake. Dan is sleeping quite soundly next to me, unphased by the glow of the laptop or the clacking of keys. He looks so serene...too serene...Will not...poke him...will not...poke him...

Email to: EADA John J. McCoy
From: Judge Jamie Ross

I was just thinking...I outrank you now. Actually, that's not why I started this email. The thought just popped into my head. Oh, Christ, I can't fall asleep and now I've resorted to emailing people who won't even get these messages till the morning, maybe not even till Monday. I'm like the drunk dialer of insomniacs here. Oddly, I haven't had any liquor at all today. Maybe -that- is the problem. Speaking of beverages, I remember why I started this email. Do you want to get coffee on Monday?


katie, email, dan, jack, nick potter

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