"Can you take me higher"???

Feb 26, 2006 02:54

driving home at 2:30 in the morning, with no one else on the road is without a doubt one of the most serene times for me. it is a time when i can just blast my favorite songs and think about what is going on in my life. generally speaking, i wind up thinking more about my shortcomings than my strong suits, but its good because it give me perspective on what i need to improve. i have to say that this week, has been one of the longest weeks in recent memory, despite the fact that i only had three days of classes. i don't know why it has been the way it has, it just has, school is wearing on me, my parents are wearing on me, and suprisingly, even the fact that my sister and i never talk is wearing on me. suffice it to say, it has just been "one of those weeks." and, tonite i realized as i was cruising at 75 mph with "higher" by creed blasting in the car, that as far as i have come from who i once was, i still have a long way to go to get to who i want to be. there are still so many things about me that i want to change or fix. where and who i want to be seems so unattainable to me at this point as i feel myself falling back into some of my old habits and feelings, which i don't want to have anymore. anyways there really is no point to this post, i just needed to write down some of the things that went through my mind tonite in the car. i am long overdue for a nice drive through topanga canyon with the radio off and the windows open, listening to the sound of my engine as i shift from gear to gear and turn to turn is the most relaxing feeling i know. that is definately on my todo list in the very near future. i hope everyone is doing well. thanks for reading. peace.
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