Nov 05, 2001 09:52
Okay, so I bought the damn machine.
Compaq Presario 700us, 900Mhz Duron, 20gig hd, 200-something ram, blah blah blah. Blass reflex speakers. Hah. Jed was kind enough to put the laptop on his (new!) Best Buy card so he could get the financing and I could just pay him back. I hate getting things for myself, and I hate, hate, HATE asking favors of people, so this was a nice kick in the ol self-loving nuts. However, I now have my own machine to write on that I can take anywhere I wish, and Kim can still tool around with Mojo (the desktop computer) while I'm writing.
The problem, and there's always a problem, is that Mojo is phuct beyond help internally. Windows, yadda, yadda, can't network at all, etc, etc... I have to recover the damn thing back to factory settings. The problem here being I have about 1.5 gigs of MP3s I don't want to bother re-downloading, a stack of documents that I may or may not need, as well as countless savegames and little settings here and there that'll just suck to replace. Ah well. Rob's going to let me borrow his ZipDisk so I can back some stuff up, so it's not a total problem. Just a damn dirty annoyance.
Kim went shopping yesterday with my sis for clothes, and came home with an Ethernet card for Mojo (I had originally thought the networking problem was with the obviously damaged card), and two presents for me. Like me, she'd rather spend money on other people, and (again, like me) she couldn't wait for Christmas for me to open at least one of the presents. Kim got me a nice Celtic knot pattern ring - not horribly flashy or anything, just a subdued design on a simple silver ring. It's really nice and stuph. Too bad I'll still at a loss of what to get her for Christmas. I've had a few ideas, but nothing too solid or showstopping, yet. I need to remember to get my mom those Barbie dolls, though. I know she'll get a kick out of them.
So, on the to do list tonight: grocery shopping, recovering Mojo, getting Jojo (the laptop) on the home network and on the net, and getting some damned writing done. I spent most of the weekend beating my head against my two machines, when it was supposed to be a simple process of just buying the damn laptop and getting a stack of work done. C'est le vie, damnit.
Still in class, so I should probably pay attention.
Anjin-san off.