Send a letter - bombs away.

Oct 01, 2009 15:10

Not alot going on. Work is winding down from the summer, which means less travel and more "sit on the office and deal with paperwork" time. This excites me much like the prospect of a new color Power Ranger might intrigue a blind man. Dealing with bureaucracy is something I have been cursed to excel at, making me a de facto pencil pusher here in the office. Someone need a proposal looked at? PICK ME, BABY! Does one of the states want to see written documentation and examples of our outreach work in a needlessly complex format? My aching nipples practically chafe against my shirt at the very thought.


We joined a gym. 24 Hour Fitness, which has the advantage of being open a number of hours concurrent with those allowed in a single day, but also having locations all over. So if I'm on the road I can go hit the gym, assuming I am in the circle of hell where hotels don't have gyms (and likely will not have a 24 Hour Fitness). But it was cheap, and I'll admit that the Bowflex bugs me in how relatively limited it is. I'm not really too much into the science of exercise, but the curving tension built up by the rods (that are flexed into "bow" like positions, for the curious!) don't really give consistent or even effective resistance in many cases. It's nice to have one as a mini home gym but half the time I feel like I may as well just be doing lifts with books.

I had my molar split last week and couldn't get it fixed till this past Monday. That was exciting, let me tell you. If you've ever wondered what it might be like if you were pissed off at food and drink, definitely go a weekend with half a missing molar. Bonus points if you're a goddamned idiot and bite into a pepper in salsa. Or eat salsa at all, fuckwit. Why do people think I'm even remotely intelligent after shit like that?

Had dinner with Ben and Claire, the latter of whom is now moved to Austin. Everything tasted like concrete and the meds from Monday made me tired and loopy all Tuesday, so I cut out early.
Also, mom is in Ireland and I am slightly afeared she will never come back. Not that I would blame her.

Everyone who has ever played WoW with me but quit has also resurfaced on Blackhand in the past month or two. As I told Rich, I'm not sure if I prefered the relative calm of two months ago or the sheer entertainment of the now. I guess I'll know in a few months.
So that's about it for now.

Well I know you don't know the reason.
And it's cold - a sign of the season.
'Cause you're old and battered and beaten.
And we'll grow, till we hit the ceiling.

friends, wow, work, exercise

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