Sep 02, 2006 09:50
I should have been on the road about a half hour ago, but I just couldn't get out of bed. I sort've figured I'd be having doubts, second thoughts, etc at this point in the game, but that didn't really help in dealing with it. So here I am, fucking around on my computer instead of boxing it up like I should be.
PAX was last weekend, and despite the con itself sucking in many ways, my brothers and I had a hoot. I guess I'm just too used to GenCon, where there's a million events going on and a dealer hall with all sorts of awesome shit to gawk at for several days - not to mention all of it being in a gigantic con center in the middle of a very nice area of a major city. PAX was held in a cramped little convention hall, in the middle of some unknown suburb of Seattle, and the events were very focused (not just on console and pc games, but console and PC games that I assume Gabe and Tycho thought were cool and nothing else). On top of that, the expo hall was a bit of a letdown with almost every demo being something that's been seen for awhile already. The only exceptions were Fury (seen at only E3 before, very cool) and Enchanted Arms (a shitty knock off of... any given RPG).
Matt, Ian, and I, didn't let the lame of the con daunt us, however. Shinsplints and bad arches in my feet be damned, we walked all over that little burb and saw a couple movies, got drunk like a bunch of howling idiot misplaced soccer hooligans, and shot pool till 2am at what can only be described as a "mall" (because that's what the building owners insisted everyone call it). I have pictures of the affair but I really don't feel like putting them up since the con hall was so small and the rooms so dark all I have are pictures of packed-in hordes of people and/or fuzzy, out of focus objects in dark rooms. And Ian's mohawk.
Kim and I talked some about how things have sort've veered from The Plan from several months ago, where I we would head down for a week or so to pick out a house then stay up in KC during the closing process, then move in. Joe was pretty insistent that at this point I stay in Austin to work in the office, so we are (as my father loves to say) dealing. It was interesting yesterday getting all the shit together I really want to take with me - I'm sort've oddly proud of the fact all the shit I feel like I really want can still fit into a car.
When I was gone last weekend, Kim said the cats very obviously were upset by my absence. Yakuza slept by the door and the two of them didn't eat as much. This whole week, neither of them have let me out of their sight for very long. Since we're figuring it'll be 5 or 6 weeks from this weekend before we close on a house (it may be a week or so before we find a winner), I'm all worried about how fucked up the cats are going to get. On the other hand, hopefully it'll give them some time to bond with Kim, who constantly remarks that they see me as their best pal and they see her as the human that sometimes pours them food.
Anyway, I should get crackin on this 11 hour drive.
Anjin-san out of MO.