So now I see that the ostriches are prophets...

Jun 06, 2003 13:26

I felt about twenty times less annoyed with my head in the sand. I've never liked politics, politicians, or much of anything related to the government as well. Not that I'm some sort of raging anarchist, I just generally think the whole bag of it is poop upon poop and I shovel enough shit at work anyway. However, the more I learn about Bush's Administration... I mean, jesus. There's a goddamned quote in Esquire for fuck's sake this month about him. I don't have the thing handy, but this guy (You may have heard of Mr. Miller once, he wrote some play about a salesman) says something to the effect of "I've never seen such a thing where the government can so openly favor the rich and tell the poor 'well, if you're not one of us, sorry!'." I guess that's what's getting me about this - my problem with politics is that I don't have time to try and follow the little hidden corners and secret agendas, alliances, conspiraces, etc. But hey, this administration is taking all the work out of it for us, it seems! One need only scratch the surface to find very blatant evidence Bush is not really aware of the world beyond his nose, and there's crap getting passed every day that are destroying the liberties and rights of people all over the nation.

Besides Ashcroft very politely lobbying the Congress to let him do whatever he wants whenever he wants without any questions ("or you're against America!", naturally), I've actually been following the media ownership hearings that went on recently and ended this week. I'm only following this closely because it ties in alot with work (Cable is the devil in my office, and some of the reasons given are even true), and I think this is about stupid, really. People involved with abolishing the current (well, previous, as of yesterday) regulations were all very wonderfully vague about how they were outdated, which in many cases they were. However, tearing them down wasn't too much help... unless you own alot of stuff already. Now you can force other companies out of business by buying them out and turning them into Fox News... er. "For example, Fox News", I mean. And it's perfectly fine, and it's not a monopoly, because... well... uh... "Broadcasting doesn't work that way, and it'll never happen. We promise."


Anyway, besides seething anger at all of the world, things are going pretty good. Kim's relatively happy at her new job (how happy can you be at an hourly wage?), work for me blows, but that's that. GenCon is coming up and we're finalizing some of the happy crappy for the LARP, getting the ducks in a row... now it looks like the target to get our own place is going to be mid-end July or something. I guess we'll see on that.

Nikki and Charlie will be in town Monday thru Thursday. This is the only announcement I'm making. The Dark Oracle of Alcoholism and her Barefoot Savage will be staying here. Those of you who don't know them but live in KC... if you feel a sudden urge to get plastered come Monday night about 10 or so, it's just Nikki. Sorry.

Anjin-san off.

friends, politics, business

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