And now...

Apr 21, 2003 01:10

Your IRC Zen...

But first...


[01:01] (Sauce|AFK) How fucked up would it be if I won GenCon?
[01:01] (Sauce|AFK) Hey, Rich.
[01:01] (RevAaron) I never heard back about that chick who went missing
[01:01] (Sauce|AFK) What would you do if I ended up winning GenCon?
[01:02] (RevAaron) more to the point, what would you do if *I* win gencon?
[01:02] (Naseru) What would I do?
[01:02] (Sauce|AFK) Yah.
[01:02] (UsagiDan) i think we would have to kill you and the secratary would disavow any knowledge of you existance
[01:02] (Naseru) I'd shake your hand and probably have to take a picture with you.
[01:02] (RevAaron) like, a pat on the back or something?
[01:02] (Sauce|AFK) Well, I was just thinking in the negative.
[01:02] (Naseru) Oh.
[01:02] (Sauce|AFK) Like if I was going to get a "wtf, Mason what are you doing?" thing.
[01:03] (Naseru) And you would be expected to send me montly updates on your vision of Miya Hatori's future.
[01:03] (Sauce|AFK) ...
[01:03] (UsagiDan) hahaha
[01:03] (Sauce|AFK) The odd part is that we do that.
[01:03] (Naseru) oh wait you do that

Anjin-san off.

gencon, l5r, irc zen

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