Dealing with...

Sep 17, 2002 20:48

... alot of shit today.

#1 - When the fuck did the Unicorn Clan listserver become infiltrated with dingusasses. The two main reasons I'm even on that list is because I have a child-like fascination with the Iuchi family and the list as a whole seems the most ass-free of all lists ever. Today's events of flamage and utter crackass stupidity have really stuck in my craw like... whatever sticks in craws.

#2 - This fucktarded laptop. Thank you, S3 graphics for making this fucking "graphics card" which is little more than a rat hopped up on fucking cocaine drawing my screen with an etch-a-sketch. Since there's no support for it at all, no one has bothered to tweak a driver for it recently, and I can't replace it, I'm forced to plot against my goddamned Extended Service Plan with Best Buy. I've found the loophole where if the fucker surges, they'll replace it. So now all I need to do is surge the fucker on purpose, which I have no idea how to do. The other end of the plan is when they replace it, the only model they can replace it with (since this one and is discontinued) is something better than this, and this one was the last to carry these cards of video shitfucknutbitchasstit AAAGRRRGGHHHH.

Moving on.

#3 - Washing the cats. I never knew that if a cat dug its claw so deep into your skin that when it was forcibly ripped open it made a wet "pop" noise instead of an actual audible rip. Of course, if this only happened once, I wouldn't be convinced. However, after about the tenth time, I think my theorey is indeed sound. Fortunately the cats are rather forgiving as they have not yet pissed all over my laptop (thus ending my #2 plot) or my pillow. Mafia's actually purring in my lap right now. We also got them flea collars, which they seem (surprisingly) cool with.

#4 - Writing. Managed to slam away nearly 5k today in what could only be called an amazing feat of ignoring my girlfriend like a complete asshole. Love you babe. Sorry bout that.

#5 - g. (Only one person will laugh)

Next week's the Buffy season opener and jesus christ on a fucking mechanical pogo stick if I'm not impressed within five episodes I'm going to hunt down the writing team and Warren them all. I've heard good things, which is good. And things.

It occurs to me that since I've spent the day ignoring Kim, sitting here at a quarter till nine ignoring her further is being a loser in excess. Always one for moderation, I'm going to go hang out now, even if it means watching fucking Mario Brothers the movie. That's love.

Anjin-san off.

buffy, computers, cats, anger, l5r, writing

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