Dec 09, 2001 15:39
Just got done getting two major "to do" items checked off the old imaginary list for the house. In an act that may never be rivaled by man or god, I actually god every living member of this household/commune together to clean out the garage. Given that the "total" means six able-bodied young people, the actual cleaning took all of twenty minutes. Afterward, Kim and I finally got the closet in our room cleaned out, which (in some weird sort of cosmic and karmic jenga fashion) made us simply fall into the task of cleaning out the room, too. I'm surprised how large the room is... sort've. The room is small, but it seems a hell of a lot bigger now.
Last night I ran our local Season of the Shadowlands tournament, which ended out okay. Sis actually won two of her matches, which is a new high for her at a tournament. It's kinda funny that we're not blood relation at all, because her resulting reaction from having done (decently) well in a tournament was - "Hey, Seth. Rework this deck so it's a little better, okay? I think I may start playing some more again."
The deck itself wasn't so good, because I figured sis didn't really care to play that much, and she only played last night because she had nothing better to do. But true to a Seth-type form, the feeling of doing competitatively well urged her to try and do better. So I fixed her deck up some and we'll see what's what.
... and my friend Missy who lives like an hour away just called saying her car broke down about five minutes from my place. And we're off.
Anjin-san out.