Oct 24, 2007 00:11
The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D is going to be in Morgantown. Krystal and I are definitely going, and her boyfriend might come too. Seriously, I was telling my parents about it the whole time I was home.
And guess what I did today? I got my wor schedule changed. No more waking up at freakin six in the morning for me. At least on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I don't have to go until ten, then go back after art history until four. Pretty sweet deal. Well, it would be sweeter if I could go in after art history and get all my hours then. Then I could sleep until eleven. Anyway, I get two extra hours of sleep. I do't believe in such a thing as too much sleep. It's strange, though. I was just starting to wake up around ten tonight.
Oh, yeah, I was just randomly going through some of my more obscure interests earlier. I tried Shallow Ground. Wouldn't you know that there are only two people other than me that has it in their interests. So, I looked at one, where some girl is saying that Jason Vs. Freddie made her paranoid or something. And the girl is like "I'll be sure to avoid it because if it makes you squeamish it must be bad." Okay. If that movie made her squeamish, she's just a very faint hearted person, and you shouldn't be afraid to watch anything that makes her squeamish. Sigh. And, speaking of Shallow Ground, new icon! Isn't it utterly and disturbingly creepy? Or not. It's funny, I never got that connection between the song and the movie until I was looking through the pictures and saw this one. I mean, I saw it in the movie, but I guess just seeing that one still frame really made me notice it.