OK, maybe it's just the knowledge that the new episodes are winding down, but does anyone else think these episodes just get better every week?
So, we now know why Bobby hunts. That’s so sad. I want to hug Bobby. And that house that they were in, was that what the house looked like when his wife was alive? Why do all these guys start hunting when their wives die? They should hold an annual Widower’s Demon Hunting Convention. But no. This isn’t funny. And Dean says that Bobby is like a father to him. Is that because his real father wasn’t a father to him?
Bobby lives! I was so afraid this would be another Sam. I've kind of become attached to Bobby.
Dean finally admits he’s afraid to die. Yay! I’ve been waiting for him to finally admit it!
The dreaded Sam/Bela moment. Umm… I don’t know. I was sitting there with Sarah, and we were both just sitting there leaning towards the TV with our mouths open. Well, actually, that’s what she was doing. But I’m sure I was doing something similar. And how freakin adorable was he when he woke up? Seriously! He’s all unnerved, and then Bela actually walks in and he gets all flustered and shy with a Sammy crush or something. I want to just pick him up and swing him around in a hug, only he would crush my tinyness. And I’m not really a hugging type of person, anyway. I honestly didn’t get that scene at all, except to make that hilarious awkward moment there. And when he’s sitting in the chair after the dream, and he’s like "Just a minute" or whatever and starts stretching, but refuses to get out of the chair, yeah. I start laughing my ass off. And Sarah gives me this look. Because my twisted little mind chose just then to get all perverted.
Two Deans. One of which is EVIL! I enjoyed that far more than I should have, I think. I’m not sure about that scene. I mean, it was BEYOND awesome, but I’m wondering if dream!Dean was just trying to piss Dean off by spouting random stuff that he knew would get to him, or is that really how Dean feels? Because seriously, I want to hug Dean now, too. I mean, I knew they guy had a pretty low opinion of himself, but really? And all that anger towards his dad, makes me wonder why he’s spent his whole life doing everything he said if he feels that way. He blamed him for his mom dying, dammit!
Bobby mentioned Sam’s psychic stuff. Oh. My. God. Why would they bring that up again if it didn’t mean something? Ok, I’ll admit, this is me and some hopeful thinking, trying to see things that might not be there. But I want Sam to get his powers back.
Random observation: That house. Is so. Blue. Like, blindingly blue.
And here’s the big question of the night: WHY IS BELA STILL ALIVE???? Dude, didn’t Dean tell her he was going to kill her for sending Gordon after Sam? And why are they always asking her for help. Hello! Enemy! Do you not see her? Right there in front of you, MORON!
And Dean snapping his fingers like mad to get rid of dream!Dean. And going all crazy on dream!Dean.
Conclusion: I want to hug them all, Sam needs to find some way to show Dean that he’s needed and that he’s more than some kind of sock puppet, Bela needs to die. NOW. Seriously, why the hell didn’t Dean kill her like he said he would?
My prediction came true! Well, not exactly how I had pictured it. But Freddie Krueger was mentioned! So it wasn’t Dean that said it, and it wasn’t really a smartass remark. But it was still mentioned. I get partial credit for predicting the Freddy.
And. It wasn’t a demon. It was a twatty kid.
The ending was just PERFECT. Perfect as in, there is simply no way they could have possibly ended it better than that.
So, who loves the new icon? I made it a few days ago from the promo. That one split second was damn near impossible to get. I have slow reflexes or something.