"Phone!Calls & Text!Messages" - RPS: Jude Law / Robert Downey Jr.

Jul 11, 2010 17:38

Title: Phone!Calls & Text!Messages
Author: shambolicasfuck
Pairing: Jude Law / Robert Downey Jr.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jude calls Robert in the middle of the night... dialogue only.
Warnings: RPS
A/N: Started out as a 'mini-comment-fic' written for rdjudelove . Turned into a 'real fic'... so I thought - Why not post it? ;) I'm not sure if I like it, though... it's kinda... random. LOL

On to my journal

Not mine.

pairing: jude/rdj, author: shambolicasfuck, fic: rps

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