I have a hair dilemma.
A while back, probably when it was late spring or early summer,
vlindenhauer shaved the back of my head and left the front long. You know, edgy. And it was cool.
But it's kind of high maintenance, because when the shaved part starts to grow, I get all kinds of cowlicks and sticky-out parts. And every time I go to get the back shaved and the hair trimmed, whoever does the shaving invariably shaves more and more of the hair parts. So now the shaved part is not just in the back of my hair, but is creeping its way forward. I'm afraid to keep getting it done because they will keep screwing it up in an attempt to "fix it."
Going to see
vlindenhauer is out of the question because sadly, the punk shouldn't be subjected to four hours in the car so I can get a proper haircut. Sadly. Unless he wants to come visit! ;)
So now I'm in this weird place, where I REALLY need to do something with my hair. I either need to brave the haircut place again and get it trimmed down, or I need to go to a haircut place and see if they can come up with SOMETHING that can be done with half of a shaved head and half of an angled bob (like, a way to make a transitional haircut or something?), or I can just shave the whole thing (free haircut!) and start over or hang around with a shaved head again for a while. I do have to jobhunt at some point in the future but hey, this is the Happy Valley after all, right?
So... your thoughts?
Poll Gimme hair like Jesus wore it, hallelujah, I adore it!