May 13, 2007 12:43
We've been legally married two whole years today! That's just crazy talk. (And yes, if you do the 'back math,' we got married on Friday the 13th, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.) I'm glad for a number of things: that we've still got each other, that we're still in love, and that our marriage is still (at least for the time being) legal in our state. Good times.
It's also our first Mother's Day as mothers-to-be, and that's a nice little accompaniment to the day. Last year, for our first anniversary, I took Jen away to the Cape for a weekend and with a heavy dose of chutzpah gave her a "mommy-to-be" card and told her that I hoped this would be our last Mother's Day without something to celebrate. Phew, I'm glad I wasn't wrong on that one.
Sometimes I think back on the road we've taken to get to this point and it blows me away. In some ways it's particularly suiting that our anniversary and Mother's Day will always come side-by-side, because one of the things that keeps us determined to go as strong as possible is the struggle that we go through every day just to try to keep what sorts of family rights we can hold on to. I can't believe that this time last year we'd already had one failed IUI and were on our way to finding out that #2 was a bust as well. Next would come our cancelled cycle, our break cycle for the awful HSG, and then three back-to-back injectibles cycles. Then the positive test. And the two heartbeats! And the bleeding. And the lost baby. And the bleeding. And the ER. And then... 18 weeks of clear sailing.
I think we've both learned a lot in the past year about both roles: being partners AND being mothers. I'd love to say that it was totally smooth and easy all the way through, but I can't. What I can say, though, with total sincerity, is that it is totally worth it in the end - on both counts.
I love my wife, and I love watching her become a mommy.
p.s. Happy mama's day to all the mamas out there: kid mamas, animal mamas, mamas-to-be, mamas of angels, mamas-working-on-becoming-mamas, foster mamas, and any combinations thereof. xo
mother's day,
mi familia