Valentine's Day

Feb 14, 2006 20:55

This has been a pretty anticlimactic Valentine's Day. And while I'd like to be all gruff about it and say, "blah blah Hallmark holiday blah blah," there are definitely parts of me that like having a day set aside to remember smoochies - mostly because I like to remember my smoochie.

The tone of the day was kind of set by my foiled "Heart" plans (because, come on, Heart? What a great pun!), but I woke up determined to make a special day out of it. I woke up earlier than I needed to (thank you, sunshine) and got some quality snuggling time in but was definitely trying to, erm, wake Jen up (if you know what I mean) and was most unable to do so. Then I got a call from Coworker G's husband, who wanted to enlist my help in a Valentine's Day surprise for his wife - which I did, of course. I got up after that to take a shower, I left Jen's card on the counter so she would have something at least.

A number of my coworkers received flowers from their smoochies, and it was so cute to see the excitement on their faces. Most of them are in newish relationships and they had all of these elaborate Valentine's plans - one even was having her boyfriend fly into time for 12 hours! Me, I got a couple of cute little Valentine's from the kids in my playgroup, and a heart-shaped lollipop. (Sometimes it's good to be the teacher.)

It was a little tough fielding all of those questions at work about what our Valentine's Day plans were, because we don't have any. I mean, seriously, my plan for the night (how I answered everyone) was: work 10 hours, get off at 7, buy flowers for Jen, get home and arrange them (I like buying loose flowers and making my own arrangements), finish the laundry, and watch television with the cats. I never really knew what to say when their faces fell and they did the whole "awwwwh" thing, because really, I don't need anyone to feel bad for me because we're not in the beginnings of our relationship when everything is so intense.

I actually had a really great IM conversation with Lara once about how for us, that new-relationship intensity never really leaves us. Lara said that for her, lots of guys get kind of scared or whatever by her intensity after a while. I think I end up just kind of annoying Jen with my wanting things to be as intense and wild as they were in the beginning. If I had my way, we'd have both taken the day off and just spent the whole day being in love with each other. God knows we don't get nearly enough time to do that.

Eww, this sounds a lot more melancholy than I actually feel. Yeah, I'd like a little more romance and some of that first-dating WOW, but eh... I've still got my smoochie and we've still got our forever.

valentine's day, jennifer

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