Jan 07, 2011 10:05
We don't have town garbage pickup here, so we contract with a local company and pay them to take our garbage and recycling. There are several companies to choose from.
I called our company to see if they had pickup for Christmas trees, because ours is out in the yard. She said they would take the tree for a $5 fee. No problem! So I made an arrangement to have them take the tree with my regular pickup.
In the past, when I've had tree pickup, they come with some kind of chipper/shredder truck and grind up the dry trees. But this morning I watched him just put it in the garbage truck with all of the other garbage.
Argh! That really, really annoys me. I could have put it in my backyard to rot if I thought it was just going to the dump.
p.s. What a fitting song playing right now, LOL.