Jan 03, 2009 22:16
My grandfather turned 91 today. 91! Holy crap!! I drove down to RI and we went out to dinner: my grandparents, my brother, and my aunt and uncle. It was a good time and it was nice to get everyone together. It was the first time my grandmother left the house since she fell at home a few days after getting home from the hospital, and she was super nervous. Everything was fine, though.
My grandparents are really showing their age these days and it really bums me out. They have both lost so much weight this year and they have no confidence in their health or livelihoods. I don't know if my grandmother will ever decide to leave the house again without major encouragement, and she just seems so tired and shaky. My grandfather is just beside himself without my grandmother to fuss over him and take care of him, and it is making him stressed out and confused. It is so sad. I wish I lived next door to them so I could take care of them and bring Punk over to cheer them up.
My grandfather was in a good mood today, though, which was nice. I think he really likes having everyone together. He made a couple of statements about how close he is to us (my brother and me) and how we are so bonded because he took care of us and it was just really nice. I know we don't have a ton of time left together and it will be so empty and sad when they are gone, even though they have lived nice, full lives and deserve their rest. I can't even bring myself to think about it too much.
I was gone for bedtime and Jen doesn't usually do bedtime and it was horrible for her. I feel all guilty for being gone at bedtime even though I know that it was better than trying to drag Punk to a restaurant for 2+ hours after 1.5 hours in a car. But she wouldn't go to sleep for Jen and Jen was really upset about it, and even though I know she is just frustrated and not really upset with /me/, it still feels that way. I feel like I can never be gone at bedtime because it always ends badly.
mi familia