Yesterday I did about a bazillion loads of laundry while entertaining an infant. At one point I even carried one of the overflowing laundry hampers down into the basement while wearing said infant in front of me with her legs "sitting" on the mound of laundry. I feel accomplished for doing that, but it was largely unsafe and I will never do that again. However, it did get more laundry done. I also washed all of the dishes, picked up the living room, and had a little playdate/coffee date with another mama. Phew.
Today I hit the mall to pick up Punk's 6 month pictures that we got at Target because Target portraits are cheap and you can send lots of wallets to the grandparents. So I fetched pictures, got a bunch of Valentines for said grandparents, restocked our ibuprofen and diaper cream, got stamps at the post office, and scored a major find at BRU - I found one of those
gigantic "weekender" diaper bags on clearance, with an additional 20% off, and the total was less than a merchandise credit I had in my wallet. So I got this huge bag for free, which will be vital when we go to Florida. When we went to SC, we had to try to stuff everything into one of our every day diaper bags which was a huge PITA because if we wanted something, we had to pretty much unpack the whole thing. This thing is like the size of a luggage carryon, has an insulated pocket for two bottles, has sections for things like keys and cell phone - it's awesome. And it was FREE.
Speaking of Florida, Jen was confirming plans with her mother about the trip and said something like, "Your granddaughter wants you to take her to Disney." (Jen's mom is a major Disney nut.) The next day, Jen got an e-mail about a hotel reservation for two nights at Disney's All-Star Music Resort. !!! So I guess Jen's parents are taking us all to Disney for a couple of days. I am more than a little nervous about how that will go. Punk usually has a two hour maximum at any one place. Hopefully by the time we go she will learn how to fall asleep in the stroller or the wrap. (Currently both are a no. She will sleep in her crib, in a bed, and in the car seat.)
Valentine's Day is in two days and I am just not feeling it. Usually it's one of my favorite holidays but I just can't hack it this year. Someday maybe I will write a big melodramatic post about how love hasn't been going at all the way I'd like it to. Someday. Maybe.