Nov 27, 2006 16:44
My thoughts are driving faster than an unregistered car in the Northern Territory, and i've really got no way to pull the hand-brake on them, so i have decided to vomit them from the tips of my fingers. Hmm, projectile vomiting at it's best. 10 streams (or 8 if you want to get particular and call a thumb, a thumb) of vomit, shooting from my fingers, on to the keyboard and up on to my screen. PSHHHTTT... or would that be BLEURGH?? Hmm.
I'm not over him, but then again, I'm not really sure that I want to be over him. He promised to never hurt me, something that I beleived, but took with a grain of salt, because frankly, you can hurt someone even if you think you've got their best intersts at heart. It's all perception, and right now, i'm percepting a break of 5 days and no communication. Not that you could count the last contact as communication - "Sorry, still alive. Just been really busy." It's kind of like flashing a great big NO VACANCY IN MY HEART FOR YOU! sign. He's reserved, and the only person that had/s him broken is the one whoes face I would like to break... purely for dramatic effect. I wouldn't really like to break her face, because to do that would require coming face to face with HER, and knowing (or not knowing, but comnig back to perception again) she's probably grow a freaky great claw out of her foot, you know, like that scary arse dinosaur from Jurassic Park, spit in my face with her poison saliva, and then split open my stomach with her massively-freaky-great-claw-foot.
Why did they not have a backup generator for the electric fences in that movie anyway? That was a bit irresponsible on the docs part.
Why aren't McDonalds burgers very filling? I tried one of their double beef and bacon burgers today, and man, 5 hours later i'm dreaming of a grilled cheese sandwich. I wonder if our oven actually has a grill... i'm going to have to find out sometime.
Do I sleep in my bed tonight? Or on the floor? It's already set up all on the floor, so I figured it'd take less time and just kind of fall/pass out on to the floor/nest of covers. So I think I'll sleep there.
Damien won Australian Idol, and i'm glad. He's got an amazing voice, and I think that there is definitely a place he can fill in the void that is quickly becoming known as 'The Australian Music Industry'. Lately all it seems to be filled with is Neighbours stars and The Veronicas. Or maybe that's just Rocky. Yeah, probably just Rocky.
They're making Rocky's airport in to an International one. Which I mean, is woo great. But it's kind of got me scratching my head. You can only go to four places, in Australia, directly from Rocky. Townsville, Cairns, Brisbane and Sydney (on a good day). So wouldn't it make more sense to connect with some of the larger cities in our own country, like say, I dunno, the rest of the Capital Cities, before we decide to even attempt international arrivals?
What happens if you put an aerosol can in the freezer?
Why in the world do geckos insist on hiding out in the door frame? Idiots, that's where the door goes when you close it. I've squished three in the last 2 days because of their idiocity. NEWSFLASH! I don't check the door frames for Geckos.
The noise they make when the door hits them is really scary.
Drake Bell makes me laugh, he's rather cute and very funny.
I want Drake and Josh go to Hollywood for Christmas. Lord knows I need cheering up.
If I changed my msn name to PS - Fuck you, I have a feeling that he would pick up on it. I wrote two words and he's like, 'You don't have to be so blunt.' All I said was that's cool. Pfft.
He had to go to work, he signed in for a whole like 3 minutes. PFFT!
Wow, overly using the word Pfft. Is Pfft even a word? It's very onomatopoeia-ish. I bet bump and crash sounded stupid when someone first decided to use them.
I'm revolutionising the dictionary.
I want to get high. I want to escape for just a little while. Jess may hate her job, but right now I'm hating my life and my job is the only thing that seems right. Man I love Sanity.