Reading: A late night work schedule destroyed my reading times but still reading about Ghengis.
Planning: Hopefully, getting some heat in my apartment and a weekend with the lady-friend.
Wearing: Grey shirt and jeans with a hoodie.
Writing: Looked at the 7 Kings Mountains and just found all of the parts of it that I wanted to write and started
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Comments 8
Planning: Cancer Awareness Event for tomorrow
Wearing: Light blue shirt, slacks
Writing: On to another grant
P: A big work week next week.
W: Brown jeans, plaid shoes, brown shirt, plaid overshirt.
W: Nothing, really. I'm partway through a cool Google Docs spreadsheet 4e character sheet, but it's multiple worksheets so I don't think it can be templated. If you're interested, I can share it out.
Planning our local gaming convention which opens doors in exactly one week and twenty six minutes from now.
Wearing blue jeans, white dress shirt, and birkies.
Writing an e-mail to a prospective employer asking if we can reschedule the interview they want me to attend exactly one week and twenty six minutes from now. (See "Planning".)
Planning: Running Ghost/Echo tonight, and PTA on Sunday night. Both are fun, with great players and a great story, but honestly I'll be happy when I'm just a player again. Story Games allow me to be a passable GM, but right now I just want one character to immerse in and advocate for.
Greek Festival with the family on Saturday, maybe see Surrogates at the theater.
Wearing: Office casual, same as always, now with long sleeves for Autumn.
Creating: Binding a book on a sewing frame for the first time.
Quick Synopsis: 2nd female cosmonaut is launched into space where she promptly disappears only to find herself hurtling towards a different planet. She crashes is captured by Jaguarmen and then rescued by the deposed prince of said jaguarmen and his best friend Hieronymus Bonaventure of HMS Navy during the Napoleonic Wars. They try to find a way for her home and meet all sorts of strange and wondrous creatures and have cool adventures. Definitely, a must read. :)
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