I'm digging this series of AP posts. 'The smoldering misshaped bones of the chaos beast revealed just how deeply Chaos had marked the thing that had been Rutiger. The body had burned with a sickly blue flame after Harald had set it alight, flickering and sputtering in the early dawn consuming the tainted flesh with an unnatural speed and now the twisted blackened bones were all that remained.'
'So we picked up were we left off, with Nuln in peril and only a ragtag bunch of dirty sewerjacks to do anything about it. The above scene played out as we were searching for clues in the aftermath of our previous night’s battle. After finding the locket and the marks of Chaos we headed back to the Sewerwatch Headquarters, to report in to Captain Oswin Delfholt.
Colin threw in some nice Warhammer details for the Sewerwatch Headquarters the main one being the huge circular sewer entrance with a set of stairs spiraling down the gaping hole and a gigantic iron shod wooden manhole cover with a huge barred locks for closing the lid on the sewers tight.
The report was met with the typical WHFRP attitude of ‘well that’s done, the girl’s rescued, let’s willfully look the other way and ignore the Chaos cult and any nonsense about them destroying the city.’ We were given our few meager coins (enough to either get drunk or get a room for the night) and told to go on our way. I pressed the issue of the one Chaos beast who got away, and we were given an order to find that last one and finish it tonight.'