Fantasy Flight Game's board game mojo turned towards RPG's

Aug 13, 2009 16:03

This is interesting.

I am fascinated to see FFG turn their expertise at creating amazing board games towards RPG's.

And there's this:

"Using a new task resolution system featuring custom dice, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay gives you unparalleled story-telling options. Every roll of the dice has a story to tell, providing far more information and flavour than just “you hit” or “you miss.” These dice represent the abilities and skills your characters will gain, as well as include the whims of fate. With each roll, players will be able to see how the check succeeded or failed. Did they make it through based on their natural skills or did they just get lucky as fortune intervened? There are more than 30 custom dice included to help you craft your story."

I'm intrigued.

Though there is still a part of me that wants to grab Burning Wheel, take the Corruption mechanics out of the Magic Burner, cook up some keen traits from some Warhammer fiction and go that route.
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