Last Week's Gaming Moments

Jul 03, 2007 01:22

Burning Skype: Hateful, Hateful Orcs

  • Jim's Orc feeding the poisonous platitudes to the Dragon in what might be the best or most suicidal double-cross ever attempted.

  • Rich's Orc talking about the difficulties of ruling with a captured Dwarven King.

Burning Sands

  • Kat's scientist PC making a 10 obstacle Alien Tech roll in order to figure out how to fold space without Salt/Spice, using only a machine that is made in the likeness of the human mind after she agreed to surgery so that she could get a device in her skull that allows the AI to learn what she learns.

  • Jeff H.'s oddly humane dinner with the Ur-Baron's Matron Mother Auntie.

  • Bob's sword vs. knife just after dinner. Sword wins but it could've gone either way for a second there. I out-scripted his ass.

Reign of Rum & Bones

  • Jim's swordsman taking the head of a mook in such a fashion so that all other witness mooks ran in fear and horror, all by the rules.

  • Storn's dashing pirate walking arm in arm with his fated love.

  • Jeff's haunted fiddler talking with his angry, angry ghostly patron.

  • Aaron's knife vs. flinklock pistol. Knife to the head wins. But more than that, just Aaron's no-nonsense mercenary being an all around likeable bastard.

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