Mar 17, 2009 18:32
My pap called a few days ago and said he wanted to take me out to Dubois/Punxy to show me a railroad with lots of insulators on it. I figured it sounded fun, so we went out this morning to check it out. Once we got into Punxy you could see the poles standing with tons and tons of glass on em, three crossbars and all of em just about full. It looked pretty good, just had to find a place to park. We soon did and checked on spot, lots of glass but didn't find any keepers. Moved to another spot, found lots more, no real keepers. One more spot, walked aways, found a single CREB 145 with an 8 SN and then nothin'. At the end of the day we came home with 3 insulators and one spool. That's not all that we found though; we went to Hoss's in Du bois shortly thereafter and while sitting there I felt a spider or a bug or something crawling up my leg. I reached down and scratched/brushed it away and my hand came back with a big ugly tick on it. Gross. I flushed him down the toilet.
Got back in the car awhile later and drove on. Felt something crawling on my hand, looked down, another tick. Out the window he went.
Got out at this "Fish for Fun" place (which looked really neat) and checked out my clothes. Found another tick crawling up my butt (can't blame him). Looked in the car, saw a tick on the floormat. They both were dispersed of. That was it for the rest of the ride home though. I felt itchy the whole time like there was another one on me. I got home and felt an itch on my chest. Didn't think anything of it since I have a little bit of poison ivy as well (geez), so I just reached up and felt something sticking on my skin, almost like a scab that hasn't quite fallen off (gross). Pulled my shirt up, sure enough, one more little parasite on my chest. This one had actually started to bite me though, and that freaked me out. He was JUST making his way in there, so I pulled him out (had to pull much harder than I thought I would) and he found his way down the pipes of the toilet. Enough of this, stripped down, looked all over, washed my clothes, took a shower.