Jan 10, 2007 14:43
So I got 2 letters from school today, because I withdrew from a class and currently have an IP in another class I am not eligible for TAP. Now I know that some of you don't get it already and you still go to school. School starts next week I depend on financial aid to get me through school!!!!!!! I don't $1,010 just laying around. I wish I did but no such luck. I was already freakin out about where I am going to come up with the money for school books let alone tuition. I don't make enough money to pay my own tuition!!!!!!!! I don't know what to do. I can get the money after my IP is gone but that won't be for like two weeks!!!!!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!!! I can only hope the school will still let me go. I have to call the lady and ask her some more questions, but I've been crying uncontrollably (sp?) I am scared and feel like I failed myself! This was (is) my last semester at GCC I only need 2 classes to graduate .......... although I'm taking 4. I seriously just don't know what to do or how to handle this. I actually thought my life was getting on track.............. apparently not. Well okay I needed to get that out .......... later