Owwwwwww, my brain.

Aug 11, 2006 10:09

So... It is... Wednesday morning? I think? Oh, wait. Sam just told me todays Friday. Weird. I've had the worst headache for like 2 days now... b00000t. Not a very exciting summer so far... Summer school and then watching a lot of people get drunk at Blackbridge. I laugh at them, drunk people amuse me. It sucks that Coltyn is gone, he was by-far my favorite drunk in the world. At least he's coming back in December for a bit, then when he saves up enough he's coming back for good. He's gonna be a rich bastard too, if you work at 7/11 your starting salary is like $20.00/hour. This is in Alberta, by the way.
I haven't slept in two nights due to my headache, although I've been horribly tired the whole time, it's a shitty deal if I do say so myself. I have to give my kittens away to all their new owners soon, it'll suck. They're all so cute! It's rediculous. They go insane sometimes, like... Insaaaane. They climb up your face. Well, maybe not your face, but I'm sure they could. I'm going to Sauble Beach on Lake Huron for a week from the 19th to the 26th. That should be... Uhh... Less than pleasent? I'm pretty much only going to hang out with Jayme. Cause the other two girls annoy the fuck out of me and like... My sister is going, and she sucks too. Not as much as she used to but she hasn't hit the not-sucking anymore plateau.

Yeah, I'm boring.

There's something I like about the clitoris, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

"We have classifcations like "Legally-blind" and "legally-dead". What about "legally-tired"? I think someone should be able to declare themselves legally tired, so they could get out of doing things they don't want to." -George Carlin
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