Oct 12, 2004 23:15
The last 24 hours has been my time to be fucked by the fickle finger of fate.
Last night I managed to score really nice tickets to Saturdays Astro's game. Sure they were marked up, but they were first deck right on the first base line. I spent the better part of a couple hours scouring various websites looking for the best deal. When I found one I pounced on it.
Today I received an email saying that they had already sold the tickets, they just forgot to update the website. Some how I'm not to sure about that. The website seemed to update itself just fine and removed the tickets after I purchased them. Personally I think they denied me my sale because they thought they could get a better price on them.
Today I started to go to work and found out that my car was dead. After doing some work at home and waiting a couple of hours for a shop to open up and send a wrecker. Upon getting to the garage I had to wait 4.5 hours while the ran I don't know how many diagnostics. Once the waiting was done I found I had to shell out $250 for the wrecker and diagnostics just to have them put in a brand new battery, which I also had to pay for.
To top it off, on my way into work, for the remaining 2 hours left in the day, I ran into an intersection where the stop light was out. Because it was a major intersection and I couldn't switch lanes I had to wait my turn to get up to the light and then go on.
**sigh** Fortunately the day is almost over and I just made a good showing for myself in BF42DC.
That's it.
Good night.