Hello Judson, my name is pain.

Jul 15, 2009 22:34

Well for all of you who avoid going to the dentist let me just say..RUN, don't walk, and make an appointment.

I won't go into the details (I am an idiot), but after ignoring a broken tooth for too long I developed an abscess and today had the start of a double root canal. I say start, because I go back Tuesday for the completion of the procedure. I must say that the procedure itself was almost entirely pain free. The aftermath has been NOT fun. Even the Hydrocodone I was prescribed only seemed to dull the pain a bit. The god news is that the pain is not as bad tonight and it's almost time for my next pill!

Anyway the main reason for this post is to remind everyone to visit their friendly dentist!

If you are in Atlanta let me recommend TLC dental associates(Dr. Roger Abbot...yes like Roger Rabbit..lol)They are great! They are in Sandy Springs overlooking the Punchline.
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