Sep 28, 2007 20:45
I just read these;
That is how my life runs right now. I prioritize things which to other people may seem a little odd or unworthy. I prioritize my admiration for Ryuutarou which to other people may seem a little too insane and wasteful. But coming from a fan, nothing is wasted and nothing is definitely lost. Ryuutarou has done so much for me and he deserves even a little token of appreciation. Maybe he is unconscious of the change he is causing, but he has given me inspiration and hope. To tell the truth, he has made me realize what my true passion is. He fills my heart with sentimentality and enthusiasm.
It came from a fan, Kaiya…
I really don’t know what to say, but I cried so badly when I read them… coz I feel exactly the same… Taro had done so much in curing my soul in every ways… and sometimes I’m hoping he’ll know what I feel… it’s just like an unrequited love, and I’m just hoping that if he knows that he had done so much for his fans… it’ll made him happy. I just want him to be happy coz he had made happy… every day. It is true that he made me cry a lot of times… but those are happy tears, coz I’m thankful to God that I know him and shares his passion and emotion in his music. Thank you, Ryuutarou. Thank you so much.
Hhrmmm… I’m so melancholic today… writing sentimental things over and over again…
:: plastic tree ::