May 06, 2011 23:34
32 is Karl Malone's number when he played for the Utah Jazz. It is also my current age. I just turned 32. 32. 32. Goddamnit.
I am making an attempt to write again in my LiveJournal, which has largely remained dormant the past few years. I need a space to write, outside of graduate school. I used to love to write (creatively). I've started other blogs recently, from Xanga to Wordpress, but for some reason I just can't get myself to write in those blogs. So I'm coming home to what I know best, even though I know no one is on LiveJournal anymore. It doesn't matter. I just need this.
I'm in the middle of editing, for the last time, my MELUS article. Oh my god, I hope this is the last time I have to edit this thing. I've been editing it for years. Literally. It started as a chapter from my MA thesis, and it morphed into The Paper That I Kept Presenting At Conferences And Submitting As My Final Paper In Every Class at UC Davis. Haha. I'm not sure if that's winning or losing. But at least it got me a publication. So yeah, I am done done done with this. Unfortunately, as I've been editing this paper, I've noticed my writing skills have rapidly deteriorated. Which is another reason why I need to write in my LJ again. I swear, the accumulation of reading really bad undergrad papers has taken its toll on my writing. As in, like, basic grammar. It's sad.
I might go to a Star Trek convention this August in Vegas. The world's largest, apparently. What has become of me.
It's a Friday night, in May, and I'm home alone revising an article. I'm surrounded by blue books, my notebook, my trusty purple Contigo travel mug filled with fair trade hot chocolate, and some grapes from TJ. Among other things. My neighbors.
I am getting a dog. A sapsaree. This is going to happen. It has to happen. I need a dog. And specifically, a sapsaree. They are therapy dogs in Korea. It's destiny.
Sapsaree+tiger tattoo+Star Trek convetion=summer. It's gonna happen. I'm 32. Aigooooooooo