I finished the lingerie-outfit. Or, well, I intended to make a few extra pieces with it, and still might, but right now I'm a bit bored by it, so I'm gonna give it a tiny break since I've made it to a finished state! Gonna do some face-upping tomorrow, so after that I might be un-bored by the outfit. xD Sometimes I don't like how I can be so changeable. As if I can't sit still and just FINISH something. Merel (my sis) compared me to Leonardo Da Vinci about that a while back though..and since then I've been minding it a tad less, that I hop from one thing to the next. I reckon that if he can have tons of unfinished things and still have success, I might be able to be myself and get somewhat there too. xP Although, I must say I have become better at aiming my energy, I'm more focused lately!
Anyhow, I'm about to go to puppy-training, so I don't have a lot of time on my hands to write big post, but I do have time to plump down some pictures, and tell you guys that I love you! Posting here makes me happy, talking with people, telling and showing stuff. I seriously appreciate all of you so much, the support and all.. wbuh <3
Muah! Picture time! (Again more than one)
She looks a little evil in these two. O.<
Lol, I reckon Ila likes wearing this kind of things for her boyfriend Medder, even though he totally doesn't care about all that (dislikes even, he claims it distracts him) - come to think of it, that might be the reason why Ila does it in the first place. xD He is weird (how could he not, he's her boyfriend).
I'll write down the story of Medder another time, might be fun! Tomorrow maybe, if I can post a relate-able photo!
I can tell one thing, he is one of Ila's colleagues, that's where they met. :)
Buah, gotta run! Hugs!