Lalala~ still haven't finished editing the rest of my vacation photo's. *le sigh* I just keep getting all loopy when I start working on them, dunno why.
But I will finish them though, I prooomise, it'll just take a while!
Anyhow, I did do two shoots with Ila past week. Didn't really put a lot of effort in them, but still felt like sharing. One at a time ofcourse.
The first is focused on Ila's face-up and back tattoo, and her angelic descent. You might notice that she's bald in the first few pictures, and I'll tell you before-hand; it's intentional. xP I have something with bald-female-dolls and I thought it looked good, also showing Ila's face-up better. Dahlia will be bald most of the time as well, because of her background with Mordec. (I'm by the way just done with getting her seams sanded and making the Limhwa body compatible with her head! :3)
Now, enough chatter, on to the photo's!
Yay, finished!
What I did with her face-up; I used my airbrush this time for the cross, having to tape her whole face to get that shape. Wasn't really easy O.o I also tried to make her look more like little Ila when it comes to the freckles and colour-palet. And when I get around to face-upping Il Delagrand and Ilya(Ila's father and brother, Imoel's dolls) I'll use that palet again, so they'll all look more related. :3 (Some side info; Il Delagrand is pretty much a narcissist, hence why his children's names are an extraction of his own. xP)
Oh, I also didn't gloss her lips or eyes, thought it added something different.
The tattoo is made from a veeery old drawing my sister made, when her story was in it's beginning stages(and mine hadn't even started yet). Il Delagrand had a very large part in her story then, and since the drawing said so much about his history and how things then came into existence, I thought it would be totally Ila to have that tattooed on her back, as a way to honour her precious papa. I'm not totally satisfied, so I'll probably do it over in a while. But it was my first so I shouldn't be too picky.
*yawn* I'm tired, so sorry if I sounded vague or anything. Luv you guys, and hope everyone is doing ok. And if there are questions lingering your brain, feel free to ask! =3