Sep 19, 2004 01:24
I am currently writing this entry from home. Yeah, I've made my first official return to EI this weekend. It was alright. Yesterday, my parents were pretty cool, they seemed to be happy to see me and all that. But today, things fell back into the same pattern of life that reminded me why I was so happy to get away... It's weird being here when no one else is around. The town feels empty. But it was pretty cool because I got to see Nora, Jess, and Justyy. If I was the only one here, it wouldve been worse. Jess is (finally) leaving this weekend for Drexel. *sniff* they grow up so fast... hehe. I'm glad she gets to go away though, she's really been looking forward to it. Good luck Jess! And hey, if you ever decide you need somewhere else to go, you know you can always come live with me, hehe.
so yeah... I was sitting here and kinda felt like I need and update in here. havent had a chance to really do anything on my computer at school because APPARENTLY the internet was shut off in our dorms for a while. Supposedly there was a virus in our complex somewhere. right before I left they sorta fixed it, but internet explorer was ASS slow. We'll see how that goes.
Life at Hofstra is pretty cool. It was exciting for the first week, kinda died down the second week, and started to pick up again right before I left for the weekend. I was kind of sad to leave. Nothing here is that great. My house actually kind of sucks. The only reason I came back was for my dear Lempy's farewell. That's right, that's how much I love you Jess, lol.
I met a lot of people during the first week, but there's only a few I consistently hang out with as of yet. There's a suite of 5 guys that live down the hallway and I pretty much hang out with them alot. The two girls I know best are my roommate and a girl who lives across the hall from the All-Star Suite. We frolicked through sprinklers and sandwiched boys on Thursday. It was exciting. My roommate is really nice. We are sort of similar in some ways; it's good we're not complete opposites. Sometimes we dont see eachother much because she usually has field hockey practice or games and I have work. But we see eachother at night which is good. We went to dinner the other night.
The All-Star Suite is pretty cool. One of them watches the OC, so I heart him. Anonther one is on the golf team, and is really funny. The third one doesn't lie. The other two play lacrosse and tennis. This other kid who lives upstairs has consistently been part of our Adventure Squad. He's nice and has a digital camera which is cool. A different guy that lives down the hallway is from Riverhead, and he is in 3 of my classes. He is really weird but really funny. He plays lacrosse for Hofstra; he used to play football in high school and sometimes he tries to rub it in, but then realizes it doesnt matter anymore. That amuses me. He always asks me if I knew Joey Finger.
I dont think I should associate with boys .. it gets me into trouble lol. I've only been at school for 2 weeks and people already ask me how many hearts I've broken. lol thankss.
oh yeah, and besides my internet not working, my fridge doesnt work and I still can't get my mailbox open! :( Sometimes I think Hofstra hates me, lol. I need to work on my mailbox especially because I am expecting a very important package! Haha, Zach's mom is sending me brownies, I <3 her like woah. She says she's lonely now that everyone's at school. Nora brought up the fact that she has another son and we realized that he and his friends could never fill our shoes, lol.
The most exciting thing that's happened so far is when Jess came to stay with me for the weekend. Granted, it was the first weekend since I'd moved in, but it was the time of most excitement. She made me a flier with a pic of me humping a car, and hung it up so I could make friends. When we came back the next day, it was missing.. I feared that someone stole it and kept it, but it was really slid under our door. phew. We also had an incident with frolicking, sprinklers, and an open field. Intense card games and staying up till sunrise were involved as well. Good times.
Hung out with Phil the other day. That was kinda cool. It was the first time we ever hung out on our own, without Dave hanging out with Erin. I was going to see if we could actually interact without other people being there, but Dave showed up with Jackie. But it was cool. We watched Family Guy and Pimp My Ride, lol. I think we watched Dave Chapelle after they left.
Hung out a couple times with Matt, Dan, and/or Erin. That's been entertaining. Dan still hasn't brought his sleeping bag for those hours between classes though. And he may possibly still be upset about Jess breaking his chair, lol. I think I need a new chair anyway. Matt's hosting Sunday night football at the game room and/or his dorm. Last time we split 2 pizzas among 3 people. Go FAs!
I talked to Barrett yesterday. That was.. interesting. Apparently he already got himself hospitalized with alcohol poisoning. That happened last Tuesday......... he went to school last Saturday. Way to go, 4th day of school. ..Ass... lol.
It seems like everyone is having either a great time or a rough time at school. I know Claire and Nora are having an awesome time, and yayy that's great. It seems like Hofstra is so different from their schools. There's not as much happening around campus.. it's weird. There arent as many parties and such. Granted the All-Star Suite makes their own party every night, but thats not the same. Ah well. I'm sure things will get better. I got really sad the other night and I dont know why. Like, I didnt want to be at school, but I didnt want to be home. It was strange. I was feeling very antisocial, so I stayed in my room all night.
I think I'm just in a weird mood lately. I need to figure things out. I need to figure out whether or not I like being at school. And naturally I am always getting myself into trouble with boys. Wtf is wrong with me lol.
I heard the high school sucks this year. Everything's different and there are so many activities/classes being cut. And the districts being audited this year. Wow.. suck much? They are so screwed. Glad I made it out of there in time.
And life goes on...