Aug 23, 2004 00:54
1. What time is it?: 12:57am
2. Name: teagan, teags, tdawg, tmoney, etc.
3. Name as it appears on birth certificate: teagan jessica hallahan
4. Spoon or fork when you eat mac n cheese: who uses a spoon?
5. Number of candles on your last Bday cake: 69.. i mean, 18
6. Pairs of shoes you have: good question. not many.
7. Number of cats/dogs: had one of each, but they're both gone
8. Natural Hair color: dirty blonde?
9. Favorite Hymn: good question.
10. Eye Color: brown
11. How much you love your job on a scale of 1 -10: 69!
12. Birthplace: stonybrook
13. Current Residence: east islip
14. Favorite Food: too many to list.
15. Been to Mt Rushmore?: nopee
16. Been toilet papering?: surprisingly (or not).. no
17. Love someone so much it made you cry?: i dont know about love..
18. Are you in love now?: no
19. Been in a car accident?: i dont believe i have
20. Croutons or bacon bits?: croutons.. bc you can only be in the mood for bacon bits sometimes
21. Favorite day of the week: who doesnt love a friday?
22. Least favorite word or phrase: i dont like racist words.
23. Favorite Restaurant: gino's
24. Favorite Flower: lily
25. Favorite sport to play: it used to be basketball, but now i think it's beach volleyball
26. Favorite Drink: mountain dewww
27. Favorite Ice Cream: cookie dougghh
28. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: wendy's
29. What color is your bedroom carpet?: blue
30. How many times did you fail your drivers test?: aced it!
31. Besides this one, from whom did you get your last email?: the cheesy pickup line of the day
32. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?: hollister. abercrombie. american eagle.
33. What do you do often when you get bored?: play solitaire.
34. Most annoying thing people ask: there are a lot of things i find annoying..
35. Who will respond to this email the quickest?: no one
36. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond?: your mom
37. Favorite Vacation spot to visit: bahamas
38. Last person you went out to dinner with?: just had dinner with the volleyball crew
39. Ford or Chevy: we have a plethora of tauruses (tauri?), but i still heart my chevy suburban (the tank!)
40. Did you learn anything new about the previous person?: i already know they're crazy
41. Time you finished this email: 1:10am