dark hunter fic - Breaking Free 5

Aug 27, 2006 22:15

Short chapter this time. Thanks for reading guys!

Acheron spent the next two weeks engaged in his usual keeping-the-world-in-balance activities. Katra however, lingered in the back of his mind.

His hunger grew with each passing day. He realized with newfound dread, he wanted to drink from Katra only. After he tasted her, Artemis’ blood wasn’t satisfying anymore. Not that it mattered much, Artemis lost her appeal to him long ago.

In the past, he ignored the Goddess’ ugly side because he simply didn’t want to acknowledge it. She offered to be his first real friend, and he didn’t want to lose that. Never befriended by anyone before, he envied those who took something as precious as friendship for granted.

He held onto their relationship as long as he could, despite the selfish monster she became sometimes.

He couldn’t have been more stupid.

She betrayed him time and time again, yet he always found himself coming back to her.

Until one day she committed a crime so horrific and hurtful, even he couldn’t find it in himself to forgive her. He ran out of love to draw upon. Some things just couldn’t be overlooked or forgiven.

Acheron stared at his reflection in contempt. His expression was indifferent and cold. His eyes were already flaming red, half-filled with silent fury from the compassion ebbing away due to lack of nourishment.

He was pathetic.

As an offspring of two powerful Atlantean gods, he shouldn’t have been born as a human, branding him with the life of a cursed god and an unwanted, unloved person.

He controlled human fate, yet he wasn’t able to alter or see the destiny of those whose lives directly intertwined with his.

He could break free from Artemis’ clutches anytime he wanted to, but his guilt prevented him from doing so.

As long as Artemis held human souls and lives in her self-serving hands, he felt accountable for them. After all, Dark Hunters were created because of her twisted love for him.

He also had to find a way to dodge Artemis’ sexual needs for him, given that once he tracked Katra down, he would be a step closer to gaining freedom from Artemis.

Even though he was fairly certain he would no longer be feeding from Artemis, he currently had to rely on Katra for sustenance, and he had no method of locating her.

Why was he constantly and consistently screwed? In life and in death.

Breaking Free Chapters
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