dark hunter fanfic - Breaking Free 1

Aug 06, 2006 21:54

The memories section is a list of Breaking Free chapters.


What if Acheron was thrown into a situation where Katra had to save his life? Katra has been awed by Acheron her whole life, when she's finally given a chance to know him, is she allowed to take it? Will she even want to take it?

An Acheron Parthenopaeus fanfic. Based on characters from Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series.

This idea was swimming around in my head for a while and wouldn't go away. I finally gave up and started to write it.

I know PWP stands for Porn Without Plot, but in this case, I'd have to say it can also stand for Plot? What Plot?

There's no real plot to this fic. I just threw in some circumstances to bring Acheron and Katra together. There isn't a lot of sex here, but most of the fic is about them having sex.

Don't read it if this disgusts you.

Once again, SEX SEX SEX!
Turn away while you can! Well actually this is only the beginning, so they haven't had sex yet, but you know what I mean!

I'll try to think of chapter titles later. . . when I'm not so lazy.

I plan to post a chapter every week or so, but don't hold me to it.

“Here, take my blood.”

Even though Acheron was gasping in pain, and every muscle tissue in his body felt like it was twisted tight enough to snap, he managed to convey a look of incredulity in his dimming silver eyes when Katra kneeled over him with her wrist above his mouth.

If he could speak properly, he’d tell her how ridiculous she was being. He was in a state of agonizing pain, not hunger! Besides, the only being he ever drank blood from was the goddess Artemis. He never entertained the idea of taking from someone else. Artemis already lorded over him in some ways, and he refused to give someone else the same kind of control.

“My blood is different. It’ll stop this.” She said anxiously, pushing her wrist against his lips. “I’ll explain later. Hurry up! Or it’ll be so bad, nothing I can do will help you.” She added, exasperated at his reluctance to take what she offered. He was in no condition to argue, and if he protested anymore, she’d force him to drink from her.

Acheron’s gaze bored into hers as he pulled her blood into his mouth. She knew his inability to read her mind bothered him. He hated feeling vulnerable and unaware of the circumstances in a situation. He didn’t know her, couldn’t read her like he could with others, and he was at her mercy.

Katra exhaled in relief when his body spasms and erratic breathing subsided - it meant her blood was healing what ailed him. As she was about to remove her wrist after feeling the tugging sensation cease, Acheron gripped her forearm in a gentle, but strong hold. His action was an indication of both his thanks and uncertainty towards her. He clearly did not want her to leave.

The silver of his eyes once again sparkled with life; nearly glowing in the dark of the night. Katra blinked and shook her head slightly. The prolonged stare from his bright eyes felt intrusive and blinding. She fought down the small rise of panic that told her to flee. She detested having to avoid him, but she was also not at liberty to answer his impending queries.

They shouldn’t have met tonight. The timing couldn’t have been more wrong.

She was still forbidden by Acheron’s mother, Apollymi the destroyer, to tell him anything.

Apollymi should’ve taken that into consideration before stripping all her servants of power in response to Stryker angering her. Her rage over what Stryker did boiled over, causing her to lash out at all her servants. She locked herself up in her chamber, cutting off all contact with the outside world. She made it obvious she was not to be disturbed for a while.

Katra had a tiny suspicion Stryker may have planned everything. The daimons chose that exact moment to expose Acheron to an Atlantean airborne poison. They certainly didn’t need magic to carry out such a simple deed. Acting like the scheming cowards they were, they ran away as soon as they were sure their task was completed.

Katra was thankful they didn’t detect her presence in the area. She planned on keeping a low profile until Apollymi changed her mind. She was without the bulk of her powers, and didn’t want to bank on the few powers she did possess. Spying a group of daimons while window shopping, she was curious about the overconfidence she felt from them, and decided to follow. If she hadn’t, Acheron might not have survived.

“Are you alright? Did I take too much?” Acheron asked, his brow knitting in concern.

“No, but you could let go of me.” Katra replied, meeting his bright eyes briefly before turning to stare at his hand on her forearm as she tried to tug herself free.

Acheron ignored her demand. He had a few questions and knew she could answer them. He had a sneaking suspicion she would disappear without a warning. His body was still ridding itself of the poison with the help of her blood, which meant following her would be difficult. What he didn’t know was, even if he wasn’t weakened, Katra had the ability to mask her presence.

Giving Katra an almost apologetic look, he loosened his grip a little.

“You’re one of Artemis’ Kori.”

It was more of a statement than a question.

Katra frowned, not liking the fact he knew that little tidbit. She was Artemis’ Kori. Now she solely served Apollymi. She couldn’t answer him truthfully, he would then know more than he should. The sudden booming thunder and heavy rainfall saved her from having to respond.

“We need to find shelter.” Katra stated, contemplating whether or not she should bring him to one of her many apartments, or a hotel. A hotel was best she decided; she couldn’t chance Acheron knowing anything about her.

“You think?”

Acheron wrapped his black leather jacket around her and gently pushed back the locks of blond hair plastered to her face, noticing she raised her other hand, ready to do it herself. He grinned smugly when her face began to color. This was the way he liked most things to be - in his control.

“I remember a nice hotel a few blocks a way.” He said with the smirk still in place. He broke into a sprint, fully aware, but uncaring of the puddles of water splashing around them. He rarely had the opportunity to run freely in the rain, or play in puddles. His childhood was filled with all kinds of negativity such as abuse, misery and hate. As a teen and adult, he was too busy finding activities to numb himself from the pain of living, and as an immortal, he had many responsibilities to uphold. Simple moments like this were one of the things he cherished and wished he had more of. Perhaps losing some of his power for a short period time wasn’t so bad after all.

“Hey! I’m not your pet or a piece of luggage you can drag around!” Katra yelled through the roar of thunder.

Acheron chuckled at the irritation her deep green eyes expressed. He was always wary of people near his back, and no matter how grateful he was to her for saving his life, he couldn’t afford to have her trailing behind him.

“If this is too much for you, I can carry you the rest of the way.” He teased, shooting her another impish grin. He made little effort to keep himself from laughing when Katra growled in response and green fire sparked in her eyes.

This was definitely an evening he wouldn’t forget.

BF 2

Check http://jubileerain.livejournal.com for future updates.

Posted by Jubilee
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