Dec 04, 2003 12:45
i am: waiting for english to start, tired, dreading work tonight
i think: i'm tired and not sure why
i know: that i'm loved and that i could be a better student
i have: the hottest boyfriend and the cutest horse in the universe
i hate: procrastinators
i don't: want to work tonight
i can't: wait to graduate
i can: ride my horse tomorrow
i will: be an amazing teacher and have a fun life
i won't: settle for less
i miss: brittany, my mom and grandma, my cats.
i fear: regret
i feel: tired
i also feel: bored
i hear: the computer sounds
i smell: the humid air of Pray Harrold
i crave: a killian's irish red
i wonder: what the future holds for me
i regret: not being there for my horse as often as i should be
i love: Ryan, Ellation, Lightning, my family, all my Phi Sig sisters, my jeans, jewelry
i dream: all the damn time
i long: for no more winter
i care: for my friends, family and my horses
i always: try to avoid conflict
i am not: perfect or flawless
i believe: in myself and my horse
i sing: in the car
i smile: when i remember to
i laugh: frequently, mostly at myself
i play: Playstation 2 and gameboy
i write: everything
i await: "A FREAKING ENGAGEMENT RING!!!" <-- I agree with Ashleigh Horn!!
i cook: rarely
i trust: too quickly
i intend: to be myself no matter what
i search: FOR A FREAKING ENGAGEMENT RING! <-- for real, Ashleigh!!
i look: to the future
i whisper: at night before i fall asleep
i conquer: all my challenges
i listen: to rock-n-roll
i ignore: poor grammar, ignorant people
i live: in cold Michigan with a house full of amazingly fun people