May 22, 2003 07:33
so the other day we had a party for my little brother 'cos his birthday fell on wednesday. so, according to the law of 'it always happens on a sunday' my parents had plumbing problems. so roto rooter or somebody had to come out and fix the problem. it cost $700 'cos there's roots in the sewage pipes for my parents' house. my uncle, we'll call him dickhead, decided that even though he is landlord (my parents' rent the house from him) that he didn't have to pay a penny 'cos my dad is like 48% owner of the propety (it's a big lot with two houses. my dad owns the smaller house in the back which he has rented out.)
now, if there are any lawyers out there reading this, i'd appreciate the feedback. correct me if i'm wrong. even if he IS 48% owner or whatever %, dickhead still has to pay because he is landlord of the house. the plumbing problem did not affect the whole property, just his 52%. but then he got all pissy and exclaimed that if he had to pay half the cost then he'd have to raise the rent. uncle stan, you sure are one hypocritical christian boy. you're the type i can't stand. you're the type i hate running into when all the christian groups are gathered around in some event. because you talk soooo much shit, but you can't back it up! dickhead.
which leads me to stupid supervisors. when my NEW supervisor was hired she told us she'd be honest with us and fair and blah blah blah. yeah right. this department has turned into a tyranny. my supervisor can't make a decision by herself if her life depended on it.
as for my director, i guess somebody forgot to tell him about the emancipation proclamation. we aren't slaves here and we certainly don't deserve to be treated like worthless shit, which by the way he considers us to be. he's always bitching and moaning how there's no one qualified to do anything here. yeah? well fuck you! how the hell do explain this department running for the last five, ten, fifteen years? i'll you who isn't damn qualified if you and your triumvirate of supervisors. don't you need to know SOMETHING about technology to work IN technology?
first off, my director can barely use office. secondly, my supervisor seems to have herself convinced that she's a DBA and a guru genius on everything. and then my ex-supervisor seems to think all the problems in the world can be solved with a mac (no offense, i use a mac, but i know when to use a mac or a pc) and is a self-proclaimed nt admin that has fucked up our servers one time too many. some people shouldn't have admin accounts.
well, that's my complaint.