Mar 28, 2006 01:45
hot. Like. It's absurd. And anytime i see a video with her in it and see her shake her hips it's like instant boner action. You girls should be mad that you can't get boners to Shakira. Because you guys are totally missing out.
So hows everyone doing? I made a new highscore in bowling today. 122. Hells yea. Then some hot 21 year old was all flirting with me. It was the beer im sure.
Speaking of beer, why the hell do they serve beer at the bowling alley? And why hasn't a night of bowling ended horrible for someone? Because i could only imagine how some person would get drunk as shit and then end up throwing his ball at someone by mistake, or putting a hole in the lane, or somehowstepping on the ball and then slipping and breaking his neck.
But yea.
Hot 21 year old women.