Feb 24, 2006 22:51
I like to do these from time to time, when I have nothing better to do. I'm just waiting to watch a movie with Claudette. She's watching some stupid thing about Ozzy on tv until 11:30.
My boss downloaded "Walk the Line" and made me a copy. I love Jennifer! Johnny Cash rules (ruled)!
Steph sent this to me. Love ya, Steph!
1.What Time is it now? 10:52 pm
2. Single or taken? It's complicated... really.
3. What does your name mean? Not sure.
4. Who picked out your name? Mom. One of her first students in St. jones was named Juanita
5. What's your nickname? Karla and everyone at work calls me "Neeter"
6. Eye colour? Blue
7. Middle name? Ugh... Margo.
8. What size are your shoes? 9
9. How tall (or short)? 5'3'' (I think)
10. Honestly what do you like about yourself? I think I have a good sense of humour. Though I usually enjoy pretty lame puns.
11. What do you always get complimented on? My hair. It looks pretty healthy, they say.
12. What is your worst quality? I'm judgemental.
13. Do you think you're cute? I think I could pass for cute.
15. Hair colour? Brown
16. Do you wear contacts? God no.
17. Living Arrangements? Home. Until May(?) when I move to town.
18. Favourite drink? Chocolate milk or Strawberry syrip
19. Favourite alcoholic drink? Bacardi Limon and diet Pepsi
20. Favourite month? May
21. Favourite food? My Mom's macaroni and cheese! Yum!
22. Favourite board game? Battleship
23. Favourite web site? toothpaste for dinner
24. Favourite clothing brand? whatever
25. Favourite day of the year? My birthday, I guess.
27. Favourite Animal? Cats are the coolest!!
28. Do you have more girl or boy friends? Boys. They're easier to deal with than girls.
29. Who's your best friend? Karla and my sister.
30. Are your parents together? Yes.
31. How often do you get together with the family? too often. No, I'm kidding.
32. Do you tell your parents or your friends more? I tell my mom a lot of stuff
33. Anything special about your parents? They are the only ones I have.
34. Siblings and their ages? My sister's 26. Holy crap! She's old!
35. You're a flirt? Yeah, a little.
36. You're slutty? Hardly.
38. You love someone? Out side of Family and friends? Not in particular.
39. You can keep secrets? I think so.
40. You dance in front of the mirror? yessir.
41. You sing in the shower? Sometimes, if there's a good song on.
42. You liked Brittany Spears? What do you mean by "liked?" LOVE her is more like it!
43. You've liked a cousin? Eeew.
44. You've been in the opposite sex's bathroom? At the Irving outside of St. John's. There was a lady in the women's room taking forever. So I went in the men's room. When I opened the door, there were two guys waiting to use it, too.
45. You've seriously hurt someone? I think I have in the past. I do feel really bad about it.
46. You've been hurt seriously? Not really
47. You swear? sure.
48. You get your way? Most of the time.
50. You've cheated on a test? I've spent more time thinking up ways to cheat than actually studying.
51. What are you wearing? Pajama pants and a red sweater that's about 10 years old.
52. What colour are your pants? green and blue
53. What are you listening to? Run Lola, Runs, playing in the background
54. What are you doing? Duh. Answering these stupid questions...
55. What are you eating? Just finished popcorn
56. How many people are online? DOn't know. Not connected.
57. How's the weather? Is it snowing yet?
58. What's on your mouse pad? DOn't have one.
59. What books are you reading? "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. It's incredible, but daunting.
60. How many lip-glosses do you have? WHo knows/cares?
62. What's in your purse? my wallet, gum, mp3 player, make-up, toilet seat covers. :)
63. Tall or short boys? taller than me
64. Blonde or brunette guys? Really doesn't matter
65. Boxers showing? Eew, no.
66. Long hair or short hair on boys? I hate the long hair all the boys are sporting now. Looks like a bunch of hobos
67. What's the first thing you notice about guys? If he's got a cute bum.
68. What kind of cologne do you use?
69. What’s in your pockets?
70. Boxers or briefs or tighty boxers
71. Blonde or brunette girls?
72. Tall or short girls?
73. Piercings on girls?
74. Long or short hair on girls?
75. Good or bad girl ?
76. What do you find annoying in girls?
77. What's the first thing you notice about girls?
78. What was the last movie you saw at the Theatre? Memoirs of a Geisha
79. What are you hoping for? Snow, so I don't have to work tomorrow.
80. What movie do you really want to see? "Final Destination 3" I know, I suck.
81. want to travel? me and karla are going to the 2010 winter Olympics to meet snowboarders
82. WHAt was the last thing you ate? Popcorn.
84. If you were a crayon what colour what would you be? I once saw a crayon that was called "Macaroni and Cheese." I think that would be a cool colour to be.
85. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Wanda-lee. To see if she had a key to Pizza Delight. She doesn't. :)
86. Do you like the person that sent this to you? Loves her.
87. Last movie you watched? Saw 2
88. Ever had a crush on a teacher? Mr. Fitzgerald. Awesome guy.
89. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Yeah.
90. Scary movies or happy ending? Loves me some scary movies.
91. Summer or winter? Summer.
92. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
93. What did you do last night? worked.
94. Who would you rather be a noble Canadian or a dumb incest faggot American?? Neither. I'm a Newfoundlander.
96. Anything else you want to add? Not really.
97. Time finishing? 11.14 pm