Dec 29, 2003 17:23
My Grandparents got here from Colombia, Saturday that we got off... they brought a lot of good stuff. Then the rest of the week I don't remember but it was gay cause I couldnt go out and if I did it was for shopping. Then on Christmas Eve we had to clean our house cause my parents were having a party... and they did. It was a get together with all the same usual people. We waited till midnight and we opened our presents and then had food. It was good. Then the usual crowd and I hung out in my room.
After Christmas I watched DVD's... and now we have a lot of people in my house... my Dad brought home our pig for dinner on New Year's Eve... cause we're having another party and this time I wanna have fun not just lock up in a room and talk.. I wanna drink or do something cause everything just seems so boring at home. It's actually been a shitty break thinking about it... not that I've had any good ones really.
So today my mom and I went to get her new glasses with the money I gave her blind butt. I thought she wouldnt be able to get it with the money I gave her but I was surprised to find out she had enough.
I think that's it. If there's something going on on New Year's eve someone IM me.