May 09, 2007 21:08
Yesterday on my ride home on the #441 bus I was witness to a rare and wondrous sighting of a species that is ever too slowly going extinct. That's right I shared a bus ride home with a real life, honest to god, Bush lovin', talking points spoutin', thirty percenter.
He was in an argument with two other guys on the bus, which I thought was only fair that he be against it 2 to 1 since that is where his kind currently stand in this country.
The best part was his two lame attempts to end the conversation, first he asked the two guys if they could tell him why when a cow eats grass it comes out as large plops, and when a sheep eats grass it comes out as lumps, and when rabbits eat grass it comes out as pellets. One of the guys started to answer that they had different digestive systems, but that was not the answer he was looking for, the one he was looking for was "I dunno" to which he would have replied "Well if you don't know shit about shit, then why should I listen to you about anything else?" but this brain trust couldn't remember the lame ass punch line to his lame ass question so it came out all mangled and made no sense, leaving me trying really hard not to laugh out loud and stop the show prematurely.
Second, when the tide was really turning against his lame ass defense of Bush and his Surge he pulled out this prime chestnut "God warned me about people like you, and I am not going to listen to you anymore!" It was truly priceless, and of course he couldn't actually do what he said so when one of the guys asked him "What did God say to you?" he answered that God told him "...Not to argue with fools, because fools will always win." God doesn't think much of his debating skills I think, but I get what he meant and it makes me wonder, in his own mind how many arguments he has lost, and for that matter, how many has his hero Bush lost?